Reborn in Canada and the USA

I've written in the past about useless RFL officials who couldn't sell a blanket to an eskimo but were also immune from the sack.

I've also written about my belief (my hope) that RL's best chance of real expansion would be to become popular in the USA and become fashionable. It could then exported to other countries like they do with much of their lifestyle, culture etc…

The birth of Toronto Wolfpack might allow this to happen. Without kicking a competitive ball, they already have a TV contract to show home games and an X Factor style TV programme to recruit players. They have a wealthy backer, sponsorship and claim to be expecting 
10 000 crowds to each home game. They have already progressed further commercially than 80% of our UK based teams, some with 120 years worth of history. Their assembled management team and squad (so far) would be the envy of most UK based teams too. 

Time will tell but Toronto Head Honcho, Eric Perez certainly talks a good fight and confidently predicts that other Canadian sides e.g. Montreal will be formed and seek to emulate their success. He points out that the NHL carried on for years with six teams and only became successful when it started to expand.

It's early days and I don't want to get carried away. Maybe just maybe, this is the guy with enough entrepreneurial skill to sell rugby league to the world


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